Survey for the transport, buildings, property and water sectors
Reliable land surveying for title, feature, and construction surveys
Our land surveyors specialise in feature, and construction surveys, flexible enough to suit a small subdivision, right through to an infrastructure project or large multi-stage development.
We work with experienced developers, local councils, and government right through to individual property owners. And if you’re working with one of our other RMG services, adding survey services to your project eliminates the need to bring in external consultants and can be great for efficiency.

We’re known for our accuracy and precision, producing high-quality documentation, but also for the way we manage a job. Working closely with each client to deliver the data they need to need to understand their site, uncover issues early and maximise land use.

We work with experienced developers, local councils, and government right through to individual property owners. And if you’re working with one of our other RMG services, adding survey services to your project eliminates the need to bring in external consultants and can be great for efficiency.
We’re known for our accuracy and precision, producing high-quality documentation, but also for the way we manage a job. Working closely with each client to deliver the data they need to need to understand their site, uncover issues early and maximise land use.
Subdivisions | Title re-establishment | Amendment of title |
A feature survey records all the noteworthy features on a property from contours to the location of trees, street and verge features, utilities, roads and driveways, boundaries, and easements. These surveys can be used as the base plan for subdivisions. Engineers use feature surveys to design any new infrastructure or infrastructure upgrades.
Buildings |
Roads and Bridges |
Infrastructure |
Accurate and timely survey data is critical to guide and inform the construction of transport, building, subdivision and water projects. Construction surveys include surveys for design, infrastructure setout, as-constructed surveys, or multi-storey grid layout. This information is used from design concept right through to the construction.
Subdivision setout |
Road setout |
Building setout |
As-constructed survey |
Accurate and timely survey data is critical to guide and inform the construction of transport, building, subdivision and water projects. Construction surveys include surveys for design, infrastructure setout, as-constructed surveys, or multi-storey grid layout. This information is used from design concept right through to the construction.
Dams |
Buildings |
Roads and Bridges |