Project Overview

RMG Project Management Engineering
RMG Project Management Victoria

Shelley-Walwa Road Pavement Rehabilitation


Department of Transport and Planning


Shelley, Victoria



As part of the Victorian Government’s Flood Recovery Program following the October 2022 flood event, RMG provided project management services for pavement rehabilitation on the damaged Shelley-Walwa Road. The rehabilitation targeted two sections spanning 6 kilometres, with construction taking place from May to November 2024.

This rural road connects Shelley (Murray Valley Highway) to Walwa (Murray River Road) and is vital for regional connectivity. It is a two-lane, two-way road with narrow sealed shoulders, running through undulating terrain with vegetation in close proximity to the seal. The road also has a history of logging truck use.

The project involved ripping and mixing the existing seal and pavement to a depth of 100 mm, adding crushed rock to achieve design levels, stabilising pavement with cement, and applying emulsion initial and final sealing. Additionally, linemarking and signage were replaced to enhance road safety.

This project restored a critical transport link in regional Victoria, ensuring safe and reliable access for all road users, particularly the local community.

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